Saturday, August 28, 2010

One more to go!

Been another busy few days (and more ahead my knees fear!). Work is now complete in the living room and we have almost finished putting it back together.

The floor complete - dance anyone?

The fireplace complete

The new porch door, and furniture back in

Another shot of the finished front room (you'll get bored soon)
A gratuitous shot of Bella - enjoying a bit of sun

The sofa all ready for cost evenings (typically the sun has been glorious the past few days)
The stairs - free of scary glass (handrail sat waiting to go up though LOL)


Pink Feather Paradise said...

Oh yes very nice... I love the floor and the fireplace... well worth all the hard work and sore knees! lol

wheres the Christmas tree gonna go!? lol

x Alex

apple tree quilter said...

Great job and just in time for a visit from the parental units.

Vixbil said...

Looks gorgeous babe. I love the new doors going into the dining room